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04 Dec

Cameroon Okra Soup with Fufu Recipe

Published by Nombissi K B Bless

Fufu and okro soup with fish curry

Fufu and okro soup with fish curry

For all those cameroon food lovers here is the recipe

Minutes to Prepare: 30

Number of Servings: 6


  • 20 oz of Okra, cut and defrosted
    1/2 lb beef steak, cut into pieces
    1 teaspoon garlic powder
    1/2 of onion, chopped
    1/2 tsp salt, table to taste
    6 cups water
    1/8 cup canola oil (palm oil is traditional but fatty)
    1 bouillion chicken stock cube about 10g each, Maggi, Knorr or other brand
    3 tbsp 6 to 8 dashes of Maggi seasoning sauce
    1 dash of red pepper to taste

    3 cups farina or yam (like potatoes) or garri (cassava grain) flour
    6 cups water

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